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Glass tile

6 комментариев:

  1. спасибо. очень милая плитка.

  2. Hi there, i really liked your rococo murals, would you make more? they where awesome! Look to the place called versailles for some ideas thanks :) and nice job on this to

  3. Thank you very much! I'm working on it! ))))

  4. Hey I installed these like any other custom content and for some reason they don't show up in my game, do you have any idea why? do I need to do something before custom flooring can show up in my game, another one I tried did not work either. sorry if I'm bothering you (:

  5. Hi!
    This is possible if you have not been fully patched game.
    Although you are the first who did not see the patterns made ​​recently.
    This happens if the install has long made ​​the patterns in a fully patched game ...

  6. This is weird. I do have fully patched game. I'll look into it more myself

    Thanks for your time and you make pretty stuff (:

